
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


That's right boys and girls, the hosts of this podcast are going to be hella-rich.  I just got a totally legitimate e-mail from the Abu Dhabi Manchester City lottery saying that we were one of six e-mails selected to win one million pounds.  No scam organization I know would possibly send you an e-mail saying that you've won a million pounds without ever sending the money, right?  I have included the e-mail chain that I had with them for your enjoyment.

Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 23:02:03 +0200

Your E-mail have won you the sum of One million pounds from Abu Dhabi, Manchester City promotion 2013.
Contact Mrs Felicia Samad with your Serial number (ABU5627635368/10) via E-mail: You are one of the six lucky winner.



WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO!!! Are you kidding me?  This is amazing!!!! I can't believe I am one of six lucky winner.  I am so excited that you are going to be sending me one million pounds.  Although I'm not quite sure what you are going to send me a million pounds of, I hope it's money, that would like $90 million dollars, unless you are skimpy and give me pennies then it'll probably be way less than that.  I really hope you aren't offering me one million pounds in pennies.  I don't even think my bank will take that much loose change and good luck trying to buy something at a department store with just pennies, I'll probably get kicked out of the store.  :(

Either way, I'm so glad I won (unless it's pennies, then fuck you!)


The Pizza King and Breadstick Boy


Subject: RE: Good day.
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 06:43:32 +0000

Good day,How are you doing today? i receive your email and content to your email was understood, may God bless you. My name is Mrs. Felicia Samad, I was assign by Abu Dhabi, Manchester City to file your claims as been one of the lucky winners in their end of year draw, I will also like to inform you that i will be the one to sign all proper document on your behalf here in the United kingdom to make sure your winnings is been release to you, this simply means that i am your claims agent here in the united kingdom, regarding your prize funds of One Million Pounds which you won.


Your email indicating you as a beneficiary in the programs held by Abu Dhabi, Manchester City. your email address was selected through the computer ballot system drawn from over 25,000,000 company and 40,000,000 individual email addresses, your email address attached to a single ticket was found as one of the lucky email address that emerge from the first category to have won the sum of (One Million Pounds).

Note you don't have to purchase a ticket to enter this Abu Dhabi, Manchester City promotion. It’s emails free email draw.


In order for me to verify your winnings, I need your particulars for verification and record purposes. See the verifications information below; please fill out your information accordingly so as to proceed with the claiming procedure. Please be rest assured that any information you disclose to me will strictly be use for all matters that pertains to your winnings and unknown account will I disclose your information to the third party for any reason.

Once again congratulations from all the Abu Dhabi, Manchester City House staff. fill the details, everything about is legal, beside all we are doing here is being watched and governed by the British Governing Council. See the details below:

1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Marital Status:
4. Age:
5. Sex:
6. Country of Residence:
7. Telephone Number:

Upon the receipt of the above information, I shall forward your particulars to the verification center for further security and verification purposes.

Note: The above verification details must be completed and return back to my office within four working days.

Warm Regards
Mrs. Felicia Samad
Your Claims Agent


To: abu dhabi manchester city

Holy shit!  I didn't think you'd actually respond.  However you did not answer my question of what am I getting a million pounds of.  Pudding?  Mince Meat Pie?  Charles Barkley? 

Also, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?  What's a nubian?  Do you sell hubcaps for a 72 Ford Pinto hatchback?  What is the square root of pi?  And why  are there so many songs about rainbows?   These are the burning questions I'm dying to know.

Please get back to me with this information within 27 minutes of me sending this e-mail to you or I will consider everything else you said completely invalid.

Here's some information for you to process for this "lottery" you are running.  If you can actually validate any of this information, Strong Bad will give you a trophy.

1. Name:  Antbrent Laatschburg XXVII
2. Address:  666 Park Avenue
3. Marital Status:  Single and ready to mingle
4. Age:  For Flavor
5. Sex:  Yes Please, damn girl you kinky
6. Country of Residence:  Podcast Land
7. Telephone Number:


Sadly, we never did hear back from them.  I can only assume that a million pounds of something is on the way.

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