
Monday, May 27, 2013

Movie Review: ALEX CROSS

I was pretty excited when I first saw the trailer for Alex Cross last year, as it was nice to see Tyler Perry try to branch out and do something that different than the schlock he normally makes.  This movie came and went in theaters last October and due to it's universally terrible reviews and list of things I'd much rather watch, I didn't end up viewing this until today.

Product Details 

Alex Cross stars Tyler Perry as Alex Cross, a Detroit detective/psychologist who after investigating a crime scene where he figures out exactly how the incident happens with Sherlock Holmes-like precision, begins to hunt down the suspected killed, Picasso (played by an uber lean Matthew Fox).  Picasso is a serial killer who loves inflicting pain on others and gets his name by leaving cubist drawings of his victims at the crime scene.  If you have tremendous folding skills like Alex Cross these drawings are also hints to who his next victim will be.  These two lock together in what former wrestler Larry Zbyszko would describe as a human game of chess.  Alex Cross is directed by Rob Cohen, the man who directed the first of The Fast and the Furious movies as well xXx and Stealth.  This movie is based on the novel Cross by James Patterson and is co-written by Marc Moss and Kerry Washington, who have nothing to their credit other than Moss writing the much superior Alex Cross movie, Along Came a Spider.

Sadly this movie just felt generic.  The inexperience of the screenwriters' clearly shone through as a lot of the dialogue felt very plain and sometimes even cringeworthy, especially when trying to establish relationships.  Also the writers couldn't determine if they wanted to make a smart thriller, or a balls to the wall action movie, so they ended up trying to make a mediocre combination of both.  The acting was unspectacular as well, Tyler Perry looked mostly expressionless even when going through some fairly significant issues.  Matthew Fox gave a better performance but relied too much on cliches of acting like a psychotic serial killer instead of trying to do something original with the role.  While it's not a bad movie and is a very easy movie to watch, it just felt like a movie we've all seen much better and smarter versions of before.

Rating: 2 out of 5

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