
Friday, May 16, 2014

Movie Reviews: 4/29/14

Labor Day: A single mother played by Kate Winslet lets an escaped convict (Josh Brolin) move in with her and her son.  While the premise sounds like a very interesting romantic movie with some tension thrown in, not knowing what the fugitives great intentions are, it never really gets above being dull.  Considering it's by Jason Reitman who makes interesting movies like Juno and Young Adult, I was expecting to not be completely bored by this, however I was.  The characters just didn't click with me and while the acting was good, I just don't think they had enough to work with to make the audience feel an emotional investment in the characters.

Review: 2 Escaped Convicts out of 5.

I, Frankenstein: Should have been called I, Boring.  I should have figured when the tagline says "From the Producers of Underworld" to just run away but the completist in me that wants to watch every movie said try it you might like it.  Well I didn't.  It looks just like Underworld too, I think they used the same lighting crew and same 1800's London sets to create a very blueish atmosphere, because if you didn't know the lights are extra blue when there are monsters present.  If you're into the Underworld and Van Helsing movies, you'll probably enjoy this.  If you didn't it's not a terrible movies to watch with friends and make fun of, but that's about all.

Review: 1 Monster out of 5.

Endless Love:  This movie is a classic example of why I watch try to watch every movie I can.  I totally thought this was going to be a huge bust strictly released to try to make some money in theaters for Valentine's Day and it surprised the hell out of me.  It's not a very good movie and falls into cliches far too often but I couldn't find myself physically rooting and being emotionally invested when things would happen. The acting was good, especially the overprotective father played by Bruce Greenwood was particularly awesome.

Review: 3.5 Love Stories out of 5.

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