
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Podcast Bloggy: Amazon Instant Video Deal

Brent Here:

I love Amazon’s Instant Video program. I have my TiVo set-up with Amazon, so whenever I rent a movie from there it downloads automatically to that TiVo device and I watch it right on my TV. You can also use your PS3 to purchase and watch any of their videos on your TV as well (PS3 also supports Amazon Prime Streaming). Or you can watch them right on your computer! The best thing about Amazon Instant Video is every day they have a different newer release movie for $0.99, except over the weekend when they have a few very new releases for $1.99. Last weekend, I downloaded Happy Feet 2 for $2.99 (it’s an extra buck for HD). Plus once every month or two, through their twitter account (@AmazonVideo) they’ll give you $1-$3 just for posting stuff. So usually you don’t even have to pay.

Anyway the reason I bring this up, isn’t to shamelessly promote Amazon, it’s to inform (and if we make a few shekels off of it as well, that’s awesome but not the point). Today’s daily deal (which is only good through the end of TODAY) is a great one. You can rent the movie that just won 3 Brenty Awards, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo from Amazon for just $0.99! That’s just $0.33 per Brenty Award. Amazon gives you a month to start watching the movie so you can download it today and save it for this weekend, Memorial Day weekend or whenever else in the next 30 days plus you get 24-hours to watch the movie, so you have plenty of time to watch it if you get distracted, especially since it is a 159 minutes long, or you could just watch it 9 times in those 24 hours!

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