
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Podcast Bloggy: Alien Anthology

Austin mentioned the Alien movies on Episode 6 of our podcast and with just over a week before the new take on the Alien movies, Prometheus, comes out in theaters, Amazon is running a deal on the complete Alien Anthology boxed set on Blu-Ray.  This deal is just for today, Wednesday May 30, but it is one not to be missed.  For just $29.99, you get 6 discs of Alien goodness. 

In this set you get the movie Alien by Ridley Scott, Aliens by James Cameron, Alien 3 which was the film debut of David Fincher, and Alien Resurrection written by Joss motherfucking Whedon, plus 2 bonus discs with TONS of additional content. 

So click this image and purchase this awesome collection of movies!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

AB Conversation: An Origin Story

Brent Here:

This started off as a LiveJournal entry, but I decided that this probably deserved to get posted over here as well.

Six weeks ago, I started doing a podcast with my friend, Best Man at my wedding, and fellow geek Anthony. The inspiration of it was for several reasons, I have said since I started listening to Geekdrome and Geekscape that doing a show like that would be perfect for Anthony and I as we both consume massive amounts of TV, Movies, Comics, and Video Games. I realize the geek landscape was full of similar programs and Anthony and I’s wouldn’t be that much different and due to that and just the mysteriousness of podcasting, not much was done with the idea. For the past several years, yes this goes back years, Anthony or myself would briefly come up with some sort of ideas or whatever for the podcast and we always promised that someday it would happen.

As what happens in life people get busy, due to this Anthony and I would see each other less and less. Only really getting together for the rare Conan O’Brien or Ricky Gervais live show or for a Curb Your Enthusiasm marathon, the strangest part is we literally live not even a 5-minute walk from each other, literally. However, we always remained friends and because of having many of the same interests, never really grew apart.

However, everything clicked in the right way on the evening of March 25, 2012. That evening was spent with Kevin Smith (and about 1500 other people). Kevin was out promoting his new book, Tough Shit: Live Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good, and luckily came to Milwaukee for one of his stops. So for a very reasonable price, got an autographed copy of this book and we sat 2nd row for a 2 hour Q&A session. Kevin Smith has become famous for his Q&A sessions over the past 7 years or so, which is truly ironic for a guy who spent the 90’s and early 2000’s known as Silent Bob.

In recent years, Kevin Smith has become famous for the SModcast network of podcasts that he and some of his friends do. He truly believes that the future of entertainment is in podcasts, so much that he’s going to be retiring from making films after his next movie, and primarily focus on podcasting. He gave a rousing speech, that I think both affected Anthony and myself, featured on the one single idea of “Why Not?”

If you do nothing else at least watch the last four minutes, I recommend the entire clip but these 4 minutes are inspiration at it’s purest.


On the way back to the car, we could talk about nothing else besides the podcast. Less than a month later, we finally figured out our schedules and got together the day of April 22 to record our first podcast. I think at that moment, we realized that we had something special. Not in the fact that what we are doing is the most magnificent thing on the planet, but just simply that we both found something that we both really enjoy doing. We get together every Sunday and shoot the shit for an hour and a half and record it. That people listen to it and actually enjoy listening to it, is just icing on the cake. Over the past week, we pulled in over 300 downloads including 99 on one day alone. That is fucking awesome.

For just two schmucks who just enjoy bullshitting about movies, being able to talk about them and have people actually like listening to us blab about them is a dream come true. I think these 6 podcasts are just the beginning. Whether it’s just us two or we bring in a friend of ours in to shoot the shit with us. I think this is the most fun I’ve had doing a hobby, as it incorporates all of the things I do as hobbies into a discussion and with Anthony, who is always a pleasure to talk about this sort of stuff with. It’s something that I look forward to doing every single week, normally the only thing I look forward to in life is going home after work and eating dinner. I hope you enjoy listening to this podcast even a fraction of how much I enjoy making it.

Podcast Bloggy: The Gosling

Brent Here:

This one is for the ladies! As today we are talking about Ryan Gosling. Anthony’s watching of Crazy, Stupid, Love and tweets about Ryan Gosling had me thinking about him (not in THAT way), in retrospect to me saying that Crazy, Stupid, Love was his breakout movie and one of the reasons he won the Brenty Award for last year (as well as Drive, and more minorly The Ides of March). Anthony mentioned that it was his first Ryan Gosling movie and it had me temporarily brainfarted into thinking it was mine as well, as I have never seen the movie he is most associated with, The Notebook.

So I went to Ryan Gosling’s IMDB and realized that I obviously had seen him before. He was in 2006’s Half Nelson, which was the movie that put him on most of Hollywood’s map and 2010’s Blue Valentine with Michelle Williams. Butt I didn’t even think of my previous favorite movie, Lars and the Real Girl.

I suppose the reason I didn’t think of this, is this is not your typical Ryan Gosling movie. As the character he plays isn’t sexy or cool, but instead he’s about as big of an outcast as possible. Due to his inabilities to find companionship in a human, which you wouldn’t typically think of as a Gosling issue, he starts up a relationship with a real doll that he orders. Needless to say this is a very enjoyable off-beat movie and should not be missed whether you are a fan of Ryan Gosling or not.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Episode 6 Show Notes

Hello!  This week Anthony, Brent, and Austin had a conversation, that’s right it was a Double-A B Conversation this week.  Here are the official show notes for Episode 6: Oh Hey Doggy!

We are joined by our special co-host Austin Cochran, who has been working on his film career recently and is a lover of terrible movies, when we planned on watching The Room for this pod, we knew he’d be perfect to join us.  Here is a trailer for the movie he is currently working on.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Episode 5 Show Notes

Here are the official shownotes for Episode 5: The Beard That Goes All The Way Down To Your Butt.

We talk about our “partnership” with Amazon, in which you can help support our podcast and get quality shit at awesome prices by clicking on the Amazon banners on this website (like the one below this paragraph). We also talk about this tumblr page and how it is going to be used for doing things like show notes and “podcast bloggys” and any other random writing that we want to do throughout the week. It’s like a podcast for your eyes.

Podcast Bloggy: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Brent Here:

Apparently the director of The Avengers movie has done some television work. He created this little watched show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’ve heard good things and you should check it out!

But seriously, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of the greatest shows that’s ever aired on television and most of the reason that I’m the geek I am today. I could literally go on for paragraphs about how Anthony introduced (sired) me into a Buffy fan and how magnificent the show is. But I will just say this, if you don’t own the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, you need to. If you haven’t watched it, correct that mistake right now and finally experience this fantastic journey.

Currently it’s $93.99 on Amazon, which may seem like a steep price, but for 7 seasons and 144 episodes of the finest television you will watch, it’s practically a steal. So click on this icon, buy this shit from amazon and spend 144 hours over Memorial Day weekend with your new family, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, Angel, and Spike.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Podcast Bloggy: Amazon Instant Video Deal

Brent Here:

I love Amazon’s Instant Video program. I have my TiVo set-up with Amazon, so whenever I rent a movie from there it downloads automatically to that TiVo device and I watch it right on my TV. You can also use your PS3 to purchase and watch any of their videos on your TV as well (PS3 also supports Amazon Prime Streaming). Or you can watch them right on your computer! The best thing about Amazon Instant Video is every day they have a different newer release movie for $0.99, except over the weekend when they have a few very new releases for $1.99. Last weekend, I downloaded Happy Feet 2 for $2.99 (it’s an extra buck for HD). Plus once every month or two, through their twitter account (@AmazonVideo) they’ll give you $1-$3 just for posting stuff. So usually you don’t even have to pay.

Anyway the reason I bring this up, isn’t to shamelessly promote Amazon, it’s to inform (and if we make a few shekels off of it as well, that’s awesome but not the point). Today’s daily deal (which is only good through the end of TODAY) is a great one. You can rent the movie that just won 3 Brenty Awards, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo from Amazon for just $0.99! That’s just $0.33 per Brenty Award. Amazon gives you a month to start watching the movie so you can download it today and save it for this weekend, Memorial Day weekend or whenever else in the next 30 days plus you get 24-hours to watch the movie, so you have plenty of time to watch it if you get distracted, especially since it is a 159 minutes long, or you could just watch it 9 times in those 24 hours!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2011 Brenty Awards

Brent Here:

For the first time ever, the 2011 Brenty Awards were presented in audio form in the latest episode, Episode 4, of our podcast!  For those that don’t know, the Brenty Awards are my favorite movies in each genre of film for that year, as well as my favorite actors, actresses, and directors, in addition to the movie of the year!  Read below the fold for the winners in each category as well as a shameless link to purchase these movies on Amazon.  Be sure to listen to this podcast at or search for ‘AB Conversation’ on iTunes and download/subscribe to our podcast there to hear the rest of the nominees, as well as rationale for the decisions made and all of the previous winners since the Brenty Awards started in 2001.

P.S.  I’m not sure why they are called the Brenty Awards, besides most award shows ending in ‘Y’ like Emmy’s, Tony’s, & Grammy’s.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Not Knot

Here is the video from Winnie the Pooh I mentioned in episode 4 of our podcast.

Podcast Bloggy: Tenacious D

Brent Here:

I have been a Tenacious D fan for a long-time and it’s awesome to see them back on the music scene. Tenacious D consists of Jack Black and Kyle Gass. I guess the genre of music they create can best be described as Comedy-Rock, they make rock songs that have amazingly clever and funny lyrics but are still excellently made rock songs. Jack Black is the singer, Kyle Gass does back-up vocals and plays acoustic guitar, and they are typically joined by random members playing electric guitar, bass and drums including frequent contributor Foo Fighter’s Dave Grohl on drums. Here is the video from their first album for the greatest song in the world, “Tribute.”

The reason I bring up Tenacious D is they have a new album that is being released in stores TODAY! I had the album pre-ordered for a while and it will be here shipped by Amazon today. I am definitely excited to check that out as they were awesome last night on Letterman performing their new song Roadie.

I highly recommend checking out all of their work whether it’s their first self-titled album “Tenacious D”, “The Pick of Destiny” movie or soundtrack, and today’s new release “Rise of the Fenix.” The actual albums are available as well as the MP3s, if you’re into that sort of thing. Amazon provides an excellent MP3 service, as their prices regularly are much better than iTunes and they can be downloaded straight into your iTunes library.

Probably my favorite Tenacious D product is “The Complete Master Works” which features a concert from the live tour for their self-titled album, including Jack Black playing the Saxoboom! As well as their very Flight of the Conchordish HBO shorts that they did for a few songs on the first album. It’s a 2 DVD set that delivers nothing but hours of awesomeness.

I have bought tickets to see them in concert July 7 in Chicago and this will be my first time seeing the D live and I could not be more excited to finally see them perform and rock my face off in person. I hope you give them a listen!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Celebrity Bowling: Nerdist vs. Geek and Sundry

Watch two of our favorite web video providers Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist battle Felicia Day’s Geek and Sundry in Celebrity Bowling!

Amazon's Amazing TV Deal of the Week

I would honestly be posting this even if we didn’t make a single penny out of it. The Amazon TV on DVD deal of the week is two of our favorite shows, Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared. Both are tremendous television programs that got canceled way too early in their runs and also introduced us to a ton of people who are household names today.

Freaks and Geeks is a television show about two unique groups of teenagers dealing with life in high school during the 80’s. It stars Linda Cardellini, John Francis Daily, James Franco, Samm Levine, Seth Rogen, Jason Segal, Martin Starr, and Busy Phillips. It’s created by Paul Feig (director of Bridesmaids) and Executive Produced by Judd Apatow. All before they were household names.

Also, Undeclared is about college freshman Steve Karp and his fellow dorm-mates embark on one the greatest experiences of their lives…unfortunately for Steve, his lonely and recently divorced father is tagging along for the ride. This stars Jay Baruchel, Charlie Hunnam, Carla Gallo, Monica Keena, Seth Rogen, Loudon Wainwright III, and Jason Segal. This was created by Judd Apatow.

Both are not to missed and need to be part of your DVD collection right now if they aren’t already! Plus, this is the cheapest they’ve been on Amazon in years. I already owned Freaks and Geeks but after years of waiting for Undeclared to go down from it’s normal $36-$40 price tag, it’s only $19.99. Freaks and Geeks is regularly $50+ and is only $30.49. They’re practically giving them away!

Remember to click the pictures, links, banners for Amazon and we get a small percentage to throw back into the podcast, I would eventually like to get us some microphones and such so we can make a big quality improvement and you can help us achieve this goal!

Amazon's Amazing TV Deal of the Week