
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Now You See Me Trailer

Listener/friend of the podcast Erica tweeted us asking our opinion about the upcoming summer movie, NOW YOU SEE ME.  At first I thought it was a WWE Films movie starring John Cena, but it turns out it’s much better than that.  It stars Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrellson, Isla Fischer, Morgan Freeman, Mark Ruffalo, and Michael Caine and is about… well just watch the trailer.  Needless to say, it looks crazy/awesome and has definitely gotten my interest.  If Mr. Bean reviewed this movie he would only need one word, MAGIC!

On an interesting note this movie is directed by Louis Leterrier, who also directed the 2008 INCREDIBLE HULK movie.  Mark Ruffalo who played the Hulk in the Avengers movie was turned down for the role of the Hulk in this movie as they chose Edward Norton instead.

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