
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Random Rasslin Rant: The Ascension Sucks

Ryan Dilbert's 10-Count: WWE Is Failing the Ascension

Viktor: We are going to cut the same promo for the 12th week in a row.
Konnor:  Then we are going to beat up these jobbers.
Viktor: We are probably the most overrated tag team in the WWE and getting pushed for no reason.
Konnor: We are way worse than the Road Warriors.
Viktor: We aren't even as good as Demolition.
Konnor: I don't even think we could be the Powers of Pain.
Viktor: So we are The Ascension.
Konnor: Welcome to a waste of time.

The reason I am ranting today is about The Ascension.  I hate The Ascension and am thoroughly confused by WWE's pushing of this tag team unit.  For those that don't know The Ascension consists of two slightly facepainted individuals, Konnor and Viktor.  Their names were originally Connor and Victor but that's not nearly as hardkore as it kould be so they had to put k's in their instead.  They were in WWE's developmental territory NXT for the past few years, where they were NXT's longest running tag team champions.  Much like their matches so far on TV, they spent most of that title rain defeating enhancement talent.  In all of their title reign, I can't think of one single good tag team match they've had.  Recently, they've had some good matches against newcomers Hideo Itami and Finn Balor, in which they've lost.  So, how can a team that hasn't ever looked good, mostly defeated jobbers, and when finally getting real competition they lose come to the main WWE roster and be taken seriously.  Plus, most people I know that watch NXT, are glad The Ascension is off the roster because they aren't fun to watch unlike pretty much every other wrestler/tag team on the roster.

So, how in the WWE where enhancement talent hasn't been used since Ryback made his debut and was squashing 2 or 3 guys at the same time like 3 years ago, they all of a sudden choose to use enhancement talent again to make The Ascension look strong on a nightly basis instead of their current talent.  Is that a bad thing?  I think for a change this is actually a good thing, kind of.  I miss the days of watching Barry Horowitz and the Brooklyn Brawler doing the J-O-B on a nightly basis.  I think it's a good way to get some of your talent over.  I would like to see this happen on a more regular basis, but not just for some new hot shot superstar(s) that they want to get over.  What would be so bad about seeing Cesaro and Tyson Kidd take on DYSfunciton and "Psycho" Chase McCoy or a guy like Jack Swagger getting his swagger back in a match against Joey "Jet" Avalon.  I get that WWE wants to use the contracted talent they are already paying for, but wouldn't it be a good thing to get some of these guys a night off.  While this isn't the point of the article, I think some of the overexposure of the talent is draining people's interest.  I am sick of seeing the same guys and matches on Smackdown and Raw week after week.  When I watch Smackdown and then see the exact same match on Raw 3 days later, I begin to wonder what's the point of watching Smackdown.  Maybe this will change with Smackdown's move to Thursday, but I'm fairly certain not much is going to change.

What was the point of all of this again, oh yeah, The Ascension sucking.  Is the reason they are making the comparisons to the Road Warriors, Demolition, and Powers of Pain because everyone was making jokes about them being the re-hashing combination of those 3 teams?  Probably.  Are we actually going to see The Ascension put together a good match on WWE TV? Maybe.  How many times are they going to cut the same promo on Raw and Smackdown?  As long as it takes to get over.  How long will that?  At this rate, a long time.  Nobody cares about them.  The announcers are not getting the team over, despite Booker T saying that fans were tweeting him saying he needed to get them over as he literally said on Raw.  If the announcers are not getting your talent over and making fun of them like JBL is, what is the point of your announce team.  Their job should be to tell you how dominant and great The Ascension is, but instead they'd rather joke about how bad their opponents are.  We will see how the WWE plans to ascend The Ascension into the tag team title picture (I'm totally thinking they'll have The Ascension win the belts at Wrestlemania) but will anyone care.  If they have a 200 day reign as tag team champions in the WWE is anyone that a good thing?  Is that going to hurt the already suffering tag team division more or help it?  I can't help but feel that without something changing, this is going to hurt tag team wrestling in the WWE and that's a shame because tag teams deserve better.

Ok, this is a pretty random post on this site.  I've had the desire to write more about wrestling but never really spent the time to do so.  I also would like to podcast more about wrestling on Slobbeknocker Radio, but I'm still looking for a consistent co-host(s).  Maybe in the future.  In the meantime, maybe I'll do more posts like this.  I love pro wrestling, but usually fill all of my free time watching the product which doesn't allow for much time to write about it, but we'll see.

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