
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Movie Review: The Place Beyond the Pines

Our buddy and guest on the most recent AB Convo Extra: Wizard World Chicago episode, Jim Lewko sent in the following review of The Place Beyond the Pines:

No Spoilers

Dear Reader,

Please set aside several hours of your life that you don't mind ever getting back.

"The Place Beyond The Pines" started off great, a climactic scene happened towards what I thought was the end of the movie (should have ended soon after). Instead the movie continues on as though the person who wrote it was describing it on-the-fly without really having an ending in mind (like you may do with a bedtime story).

By the end of this movie I and my wife felt as though we had sat thru an entire season of some Drama show... and the payoff was bland.

If you do want to watch this movie, I suggest watching it in pieces over several days.

Hope this helps!


I discussed this movie way back on Episode 56 of the podcast and I had a similar but more positive response to it. I'm interested to give it another watch sometime soon at home and see if I feel the same way. Have you checked out The Place Beyond the Pines? What did you think of it? Let us know! You can e-mail us your reaction to this movie or any other movie at

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