
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Episode 104 Notes

Here are the official show notes for Episode 104: Convomania.

Movie Reviews: 4/22/14

More movies came out and even more reviews of them came from me.

The Legend of Hercules: Take 300, sprinkle it with some Gladiator, cast Kellen Lutz in the lead role and make it feel like a Syfy Original Movie and you've got Legend of Hercules.  This is not a good movie but there is plenty of violence that I'm sure this will have an audience somewhere, but not with this guy. This movie was legendarily boring, poorly written and acted.

Review: 1 Shirtless Guy Out of 5.

Black Nativity: When movies are made, most of the time they are made with a specific audience in mind.  Even movies that transcend audiences like Star Wars, The Avengers, and Frozen are made to capture the attention of their core audience and then spread through the masses.  It's hard to find a movie that I can say I don't fall into the audience for it at all, and this is the one.  Part unnecessary musical that doesn't make any sense (other than to get Jennifer Hudson to sing) and part super religious family drama should have just stayed on my skip list.

Review: 1 Gospel Choir Out of 5.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Movie Reviews: 4/17/14

Anthony and I are consistently shocked that every week movies are released into theaters, but did you know that those very movies are then released on Blu-Ray and DVD just a few months later and that Blu-Rays and DVDs come out every week as well! Due to both monetary and time issues it's hard to see every movie in the theater but a lot easier when you can watch them at your own convenience at home.  I watch a lot of movies but we don't have time to discuss every movie I watch on the podcast, so I figured it's time to utilize this website a little better and start posting more movie reviews and what-not.  However, when I read movie reviews I don't want someone else to explain the plot to me, I'd rather just read their opinion on if it's worth checking out.

In this weeks' column I'm going to review some movies that recently came out on Blu-Ray/DVD/VOD and what I thought of them.

Ride Along:  This movie is exactly the unoriginal buddy cop movie that you'd expect from Ice Cube and Kevin Hart.  While it had some funny moments all of the twists and turns could be seen well ahead of time, which really took away some of the enjoyment because it was that predictable.  If you're a fan of Kevin Hart's stand-up I could see you enjoying the movie, otherwise it's not a must watch.

Rating: 2 Buddy Cop Movies Out of 5

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty:  I'm not going to lie, I had pretty high hopes coming into this movie as it looked like a great blend of comedy, fantasy, and adventure, however while it had all those elements, I'm not sure it reached the heights that it could have.  While I would recommend checking this out because it's very well made, I can't help but imagine this movie being better.

Rating: 3 Daydreams Out of 5

The Nut Job: This is one of the worst animated movies I've seen. There was nothing fun, funny, or clever at all during this movie and even for children it's probably just to show them Frozen for the 438th time.

Rating 1 Nut Out of 5

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

'Wish I Was Here' Teaser Trailer

 Here is the new teaser trailer for the Zach Braff movie that he funded through Kickstarter, which is his spiritual successor to Garden State, Wish I Was Here.  I was proud to throw a couple duckets at his Kickstarter since Garden State has touched me in ways that many movies have not.  Much like in Garden State which famously featured the song "New Slang" by The Shins, this uses "A Simple Song" from the same band.

Visually and tonally this movie appears to be Garden State for the same generation that enjoyed Garden State 10 years ago and I could not be any more excited for it.  Wish I Was Here is scheduled to hit theaters this July.

Sunday, April 6, 2014