
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Episode 91 Notes

Here are the official show notes for Episode 91: Straight Outta Zaynester.  At the top of the show we talk about the Marvel Universe Live tour.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Episode 90 Notes

Here are the official show notes for Episode 90: Yumberry Baja Blast.  We start off the pod talking about National Popcorn Day.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Episode 89 Notes

Here are the official show notes for Episode 89: Marzipod.  We start off talking about National Marzipan Day and Brent's adventures at Brew City Wrestling. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

Death sucks hard.

While trying to come up with a blog on why death sucks, I realized it's all pretty self explanatory.  I think everyone has dealt with death in some way, shape, form or fashion in the past and it seems that as the years increase in life, death becomes a more frequent occurrence.   It's a hard thing to except that you'll never see them again and it's important that you never forget.  That's all you can really do. 

Tragically my in laws lost their beloved 8-year-old black lab, Hallie today.  Not really much to say, other than it's a major bummer.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 2014

I'm not much of a believer in "New Year's Resolutions."  Not really my kind of thing.  Usually, if there is something that I want to do, I don't wait for a convenient date like the beginning of the year to start it, I'm going to get off my ass and start doing it.  When you make up your mind to start doing something on January 1, you are procrastinating and upping the likelihood of failure.  I don't have any scientific data to back that up and it may not be true in all cases but I know in my case it usually does.  That being said having goals is good thing and if it takes January 1 for people to start trying to accomplish things in their lives, that's a good thing. 

I'm a very goal driven person, I know what things I want to do and get done and I base my life off of trying to get those things done.  My biggest problem is I have too many goals and not enough time to accomplish them most of the time.  Probably the biggest goal I've been struggling to overcome lately has been this very thing you are reading right now, the AB Conversation website. 

When I started this sumbitch up in April 2013, I was all sorts of fired up wanting this to become a daily voyage of geektitude, whether it was a movie review, cool geek news, or even random thoughts that came across my mind.  I was hoping to get more help from outside sources to turn this solo venture into more of a community experience, but that didn't take off.  For a while, I was doing great and then something happened, I wrote probably the most personal blog I've ever written about Julie's struggle to get pregnant and how that was affecting our lives. It was soon after that I realized I much preferred writing something like that as opposed to a movie review or what-not. It made writing things that I didn't view as good as that hard and my desire to post more things dwindled.

I was trying to focus on gaining experience writing movie reviews and such initially in hopes of turning it into something bigger, either for myself or the podcast.  I made attempts to get our podcast on bigger geek websites, but those went no where.  I had some talks about possibly writing a weekly entertainment column in a local newspaper that died before it really ever got started.  Sadly, like most of my goals, if something doesn't take off right away, I give up.  It's one of the things that I hate about myself, I give up way too damn easy when I don't have someone kicking me in the ass to get something done.

Combine my knack for giving up along with my busy work schedule, which got busier as we began implementing a new computer system for this year.  I started traveling to Des Moines every other week from mid-August to the beginning of November to train. It was my job to train everybody in the branch how to do their job even if I had no idea how to do their job. I had to learn it better than them in the new system and then teach them.  I was already working 50 hour work weeks, but with those trips to Des Moines not only adding in travel time but also more weekend hours as I needed to get caught up on the work I was missing when I was gone.  We just started using this new system officially the day after Christmas and this has lead to very action packed days this past week considering it demands a ton of information be added in and not a lot of time to get it done.  My biggest challenge with this was inventory.  I won't go into too much details but has been a full two weeks of work compiling all of the spreadsheets and information and I finally got that stuff complete today, so I'm breathing a sigh of relief there.  The work isn't over as there is still a lot to be done. 

But my goal with this blog isn't to bore you to death about my work, just to explain because of this I may not get something written every day  but it is my goal to start getting more things on this website for anybody that cares enough to visit this page frequently or infrequently has something to look at besides the show notes.  More is on the way, hopefully soon and often.

Along with my writing on this website, my efforts to stay up to date on the things I enjoy doing and that we talk about on the podcast has suffered and has just recently started to turn around.  I've started to read a comic or two before bed every night, play video games on a more frequent basis, try to stay up-to-date on movies (they keep coming out every week!), and try to narrow my scope on television a little bit.  I watch way too damn much TV and want to try cutting back a little so I can enjoy other things as sometimes it seems all Julie and I do is watch TV.  The other thing that started suffering this summer were the game nights held regularly at my house.  As less and less people showed up, to the point of it being mostly just our friends Chuck and Andrea only, we re-evaluated game nights and think we got them figured out as we are switching between his place and mine every other two Fridays.  It'll be a good way of hanging out with his Milwaukee friends and hopefully some of my friends up here.

So yeah, more blogs to come in the future and it's time to make 2014 a good year and get your goals accomplished.  My biggest goal is to not give up on mine.